These are some tests for adults to evaluate whether they are having stress and how they can cope with it by selfhealing techniques and music therapy.
Stress tests
1 .Find out whether you are under stress.Check the list of symptoms and notice whether they affect you only occasionally ,often or always.
1 I get nervous ,anxious
2.I feel overexcited
3.I worry too much
4.I become confused and forgetful
5.I have difficulty in concentrating
6.I feel irritable most of the time
7.I get depressed
8.I feel bored and apathetic
9.My heart pounds
10.I breathe rapidly
11.I get stomach upsets easily
12 I feel lighthearted or faint
13.My feet and hands become cold
14.I perspire easily
15 I have to pass urine often
16.I get diarrhea and/or constipation
17.My blood pressure is high
18.My face feels flushed
19.I cant sit or stand for long
20.My muscles are tense and stiff
21.I stutter or stammer
22.I have a nervous twitch
23.My hands and fingers tremble
24.I clench my jaw and grind teeth
25 I get headache or eye aches
26.I have low backpain
27.I am becoming withdrawn
28.I am shorttempered
29.My appetite changed rapidly (eating too little or too much)
30.My sex drive is increased or decreased
31.I oversleep
32.I cant sleep
33.I have minor accidents and make more mistakes
34 I am using more drugs ,alcohol,medications
35 I always feel tired
Stress test 2 .By Psychologist Lyle H Miller and Alma Dell Smith (Boston Uty Medical center).Modified to suit our purpose.Score each item from
Almost always 1
Once a month 2
Once a week/day 3
Only very occasionally 4
Never 5
Rate yourself accordingly .
1.I eat at least one hot balanced meal
2.I get 7-8 hrs sleep
3.I give and receive attention regularly
4.I have at least one relative within 80 Kms of my house on whom I can rely
5.I exercise to the point of perspiration
6 I smoke less than ½ a pack of cigarettes
7.I take five alcoholic drinks
8 I have appropriate weight for my age
9.My income is adequate to meet my basic requirements
10.I get strength from my beliefs/religious/spiritual/or secular
11.I regularly attend social activities
12.I have network of friends and acquaintances
13.I have one or more personal friends in whom I can confide my personal matters
14 I am in good health(including eyesight,hearing etc)
15.I am able to speak openly about my feelings
16 I have conversations with my people at home,at office etc
17.I involve in entertainment or hobby
18.I am able to organize my time effectively
19.I drink less than 3 cups of coffee/tea/cola
20 I take a quiet time for myself
How to get the score: Add up the score.Subtract 20.
Over 30 indicate vulnerability to stress
Between 50 and 75 seriously vulnerable
Over 75 extremely vulnerable
Test 3 Holmes-Rahe stress scale (Thomas Holmes and Richard Rahe ) based on survey of 5000 people
Event stress point
1.Death of spouse 100 %
2.Divorce 73
3.Marital separation 65
4.Jail term 63
5.Death of close family member 63
6.Personal injury/illness 53
7.Marriage 50
8.Fired from work 47
9.Marital reconciliation 45
10.Retirement 45
11.Change in health of family member 44
12.Pregnancy 40
13.Sex problems 40
14.Gain of new family member 39
15.Business readjust,ment 39
16.Change in financial state 38
17.Death of close friend 37
18.Change to different style of work 36
19.Change in number of argument with spouse 35
20.Mortgage more than USD 10000 31
21.Foreclosure of mortgage/loan 30
22.Changed responsibilities at work 29
23.Son/daughter leaving home 29
24.Trouble with in-laws 29
25.Outstanding personal achievement 28
26.Wife begin or stop work 26
27.Beginning or end of school 26
28.Change in living condition 25
29.Revision of personal habits 24
30.Trouble with boss 23
31.Change in work hours or conditions 20
32.Change in residence 20
33.Change in school 20
34.Change in recreation 19
35.Change in church/religion 19
36.Change in social activity 18
37.Mortgage/loan less than USD 10000 17
38.Change in sleeping habits 16
39.Change in number of family gettogether 15
40.Change in eating habits 15
41.Vacation 13
42.Festival/Christmas 12
43.Minor violation of law 11
That means life itself is the stress .But the way people react to the same event varies. It is not the event but your own ability to cope with it that matters. For example,I had the experience of my spouse’ death at my 48th year (which according to Holmes is 100% stress )but I coped with it well and it never left a stress symptom over my personality. It was because of my philosophical background,my musical preferences and also my lifestyle which includes a background of Medical profession as well that of a teacher .When duty demands a soul which had gone through philosophical discourses will not succumb to any stress even if that is a 100 % stress according to the Psychoanalysts. For this,I myself am an example.
Holmes showed that in a sample of 88 Doctors ,with 300 or more on the scale had 70 % chance of suffering ulcers,psychiatric disturbances ,broken bones or other health problems within 2 years of various crisis.Those who scored under 200 had only 37 % incidence of such problems.They could predict by adding up the life stresses of healthy football players ,which ones would be injured the next season.
By singing keerthans one is able to withdraw oneself from the body,external environment and stressful experiences.Kirthan relax mind and is called a Yogic Tranquilliser .It cause the fast moving beta waves of brain to change to slower relaxed alpha rhythms.Alpha denotes condition of mind when one is within internal space detached from external space.The relaxed state enable us to achieve steady ,onepointed tranquil state of mind .The calm waves makes a calm personality and is a sign of stress relief.When man’s thoughts are corrupted there is no control of mind and stress happen.The desires and passions tossing mind keeps it tense.The involvement in Keerthan and Yoga and disciplined mind leads to mature,calm peaceful personality .The role of music was known for this property of calming mind for Yogic concentration from early times.Now the modern techniques and research protocols of medicine is finding that this is happening through action of the brain waves,by the neurotransmitter rsubstances and also immunological enhancement to prevent all disorders.Hence the branch is a Neuropsychoimmunological research as far as Music Therapy is concerned.
Apart from the EEG,Hormonal and other measurable parameters ,what is the psychological mechanism that reduce stress through musical communication between therapist and client?
Effective human communication is one of the important factors that reduce stress.Learning to communicate to express our needs and emotions instead of suppressing them inside help to reduce stress and calm mind.Music is the best communication between two souls .And through that ,humans forget all sorrows and this universal language is used by therapist for stress relief .The art of conversation is an important aspect of human life essential for communicaton but it is not the language itself but the Bhaava and the Sthobha in it that really communicate the emotion and that is what music is all about.In fact from a person’s speech (and music) a person’s personality as well as what he/she wants to convey is better communicated than anything else.The voice,the tone,the pronounciation,the diction,the vocabulary,and sentence construction etc make a strong contribution to the personality.Because of this the improvement of voice and speech is important for improving communication,for healing as well as for personality development.Personality of a person is what people think about him/her and character is what he/she really is.Character is aquired through self-discipline and firmness of conviction.
Good communication means shared conversation which involves speaking/singing as well as listening.If no one listens there is no communication.The communication is an exchange of ideas through speaking/singing and listening .Therefore a good conversationalist /Music therapist has good communication skills of both types.For communication skills one should improve
1.Ability to get along with people
2.Ability to express clearly ,concisely and convincingly
3.speaking,listening ,verbal exchange of ideas
4.habit of listening to others.On an average efficiency of a person in listening to others is ten to 25 %.
5.Able to start conversations to the topics familiar and liked by by the the listener ,to the interest of the listener. That is why the therapist has to start with musical preference of listener
6.One has to appreciate people with whom you converse
7. imagination and select vivid picturesque words to colour the speech
8.Should be tolerant to views of others.If you totally disagree it is better to keep silence for the time being instead of being aggressive .Avoid strong arguments and using bad language against anyone
9.Conversation with different types of people can be enjoyed by a tolerant conversationalist only.A therapist is to meet different types of people and therefore this talent has to be developed for helping all types of people.
10.Voice and speech should reflect the sincerity of purpose .It should express the real person within us .
11.A good conversation does not happen by chance.Only when people have a mind and intellect developed beforehand by a lifetime effort ,they are able to converse and share freely and sincerely with others.
12.A good conversation is not a gossip about the defects of others but a very positive psychological help and that should give confidence and improve the quality of the listener .
13.A person who help others should be able to listen to their needs,experiences with a compassionate mind and provide positive feedback to improve their life and personality
14.Nine conventional topics which a common man will like to hear and can converse about are,films,music,newspapers,arts,magazines and books,newspapers,social activities,special cultural interests and hobbies.Starting with such subjects a person can slowly help the people.Of all tehse the best is music because it does not carry gossip or bad stories or any adverse things and is best for conveying love,compassion,devotion etc.
15.Learning to love people and all living things is essential for a compassionate therapists .Genuine interest in all living things and their wellbeing is the personality of the therapist .
16.A broad outlook ,a wide range of interests and a sharing of activities ,reading and listening are helpful for all tehse.
17.Selfconfidence is also a factor for a good therapist .
18.Flattery seldom works but a smile is a healing tool and sincere love is that which stands the test of time in the face of all adverse experiences.And for a Music therapist ,the best gift from a disciple will be involvement in the professional work shown by the people ,and not just flowery words or awards .And that is what is very rare to find.But such rare people I did find in my sojourn through this hard professional journey .
19.Do not forget that people come to you needing attention,sincerity,encouragement and even adults are really having a hidden child within which craves for sympathy and motherly love .
20.In dealing with worry ,have a sincere and compassionate ear to the sufferings of the person concerned.A loving word and a helping hand and an encouraging system of wholistic care may do wonders for reducing worry and stress.
Below a schematic chart of personality is given.The upper half is the Unstable and the lower half is the stable personality.The left half is the Introverted and the right side is the extroverted personality.A balanced personality has to be developed.
Quiet Touchy
Reliable Sociable
Easy going
To give confidence and induce positive thinking in others we have to inculcate them in ourselves first.
The Art of Positive thinking by Affirmations is to resolve to yourself that you are what you want to be.This helps you to achieve the Goal you seek .
What are the affirmations which help to lift your self esteem?
1.I love myself,my Athman.And since Athman is same in every living being I love all living beings as myself.I do not harm anyone by deeds,words,or thoughts.
2.I am able to focus/concentrate on anything I choose effortlessly .
3.I am able to recall my knowledge when a Practical situation so demands
4.I am an excellent speaker/communicator
5.I start each day with joy ,energy and a blessing for all living beings
6.I share my inner peace and happiness with others,through my words (spoken/written)deeds and thoughts and prayers
7.Everyday I become more and more wise,compassionate and openminded and effective in communicating my feelings and thoughts with a positive result
8.In my own inner world I feel satisfied and happy because I have lived a full life of love,and knowledge combined with actions for the good of all .
9 I do not waste my time in idle talk and use every moment of it for improving myself and through that the world in which I live in
10.I am an Athman and not this perishable body or mind ,and no disease or destruction happen to that Athman which is the real Me ,and whatever that I think,do and speak /communicate will be forever remaining in this world for the sake of welfare of all beings
11.Whoever comes in contact with me gets a share of my goodwill so that a change happens in their outlook and their life becomes more fruitful for the sake of the society.
12.I love my students,my patients,my friends and relatives and even those whom I have not seen and that love is my source of strength ..
The messages we give to ourselves in this way,affect our own personality,selfesteem and make our relations with others more fruitful and pleasant .If a negative message is passed on by someone,either ignore it, or if that message is being repeated avoid such people who pass on negative messages to belittle our selfesteem.Only a person who has a positive outlook will get perfect satisfaction and happiness and will be devoid of diseases and sorrows .
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
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