Monday, September 3, 2007

philosophy of mathematics

Philosophy of Mathematics
Usually a child is taught to count 1,2,3,4….
But actually a person wellversed in mathematics will count 0,1,2,3,4 …..Only a civilization which has reached its zenith of knowledge can count zero in front of the series of natural numbers(swabhavika samkhyasreni)Bertrand Russell has said so in his Introduction to Mathematical philosophy..When India discovered zero ,India was proving that it has reached the zenith of knowledge or wisdom.
To say 4 cats,10 horses,1000hens,4000cows,6000 men is entirely different from saying 4 days,10 thithi,1000 years,4000 yuga,and 6000 kalpa.The number used is the same.But when we measure time(kaalapramaanam)the 4th dimension is included and hence it becomes transcendental.Music and astronomy shares this transcendental quality.Both are measuring rhythmic time.
How did India reach the philosophy of Advaitha with three concepts,Brahma,Jeeva and the prakrithy?Indian Dasamsa or decimal system of the vedic period recognizes only Brahma(symbol Brahma(symbol 0 )Prakrithy(symbol 1)and jeevan (symbol 1,as pinnai or successor or pingaami ,one who follows ).This is the same as the three basic ideas Peano put forward later on .(zero,number,successor)

In music it is the pranava,octave and the raga.The first children are basically 72 according to this.They are the parents of all the following janyaraaga as well.
Brahma prakrithy jeeva
0 1 1 1(2) 1 (3) 1(4) 1(5) …… 72possibilities.
All successors are zero(original brahma)and 1(Prakrithi)only.The qualities of these two parents are in everyone of us(in every raga).This theory is called the samkhyam in India,now called principle of mathematical induction.
Is it only 72 that we get from Brahma/No we can get anantham jeeva as successors .We can get karani as well as akarani,just like squareroot of two which is an akarani.Squareroot of 2 is the karnam or diagonal of a magical square with length of 1 unit.To solve this problem of asamkhyam or anantham one has to enter the realm of philosophy from mathematics.This was known to India from tim e immemorial,and in Greece it was Pythagorus who understood this fact.
We must understand that in the sreni(progression)the natural numbers are not always numbers but points in timespace,moments in time,all the life and its forms lived,living and will live in this universe etc.This ananthasreni (endless progression)of numbers is called the jeeva in Indian philosophy and successor by Peano .In musical sense they are the janakaraaga 72 and their multitudes of janyaraaga which are countless.
Sreni =0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 ……n,n+1
Zero here is nullclass,the one or EKA who has none to equal ,not empty space as many people misunderstand.Inthis way mathematical induction affords the essential characteristics by which the finite is distinguished from the infinite.
This is called Nitya Anitya vasthuvivekam (distinguish the infinite from the finite)The anantha is represented as the om or the alef null or the serpent on which Vishnu sleeps in his eternal yoganidra(transcendental sleep)
The ananthasreni will be n+2n+2 2n…
If n = 9,
2 9 512,2 512 =512 times 2 is multiplied to get a number with 153 positions.This 153rd position is a null position called a thamosthaana,and this number considered as raahumanam or measure of Rahu ,the small serpent.While Anantha is the immeasurable serpent ,Rahu represents the one which can be measured through sun,moon and the earth’s orbit .
The world exists in our thoughts.If I am not thinking about you,that means you are not a part of your world.If I am constantly thinking about you,you have become an inseparable part of my world and of my being.That is why there are so many views and controversies on every subject,including cosmos and God and even the silliest gossip in the world.The concept of the EKAM and Anekam will persist because it is the inherent structure of the world.But if we understand the process we can develop tolerance.You can lead a fruitful happy peaceful coexistence with everyone else in the world.If I say
I should have known both those if I am a scientist.Or I should have had experience of both S and Y.For that I should have done mental intellectual emotional preparation and hard work ,or tapasya.that is spiritual experience or wisdom.One can say an opinion on both S and Y without knowing both.But that is only a matham or abhipraayam(opinion)which anyone can have,Only the informed knowledge is acceptable to all.Uninformed is always controversial.The difference between objectivity and subjectivity is precisely this only.Who measures also is important .Because only a person wellversed in a particular subject can give an informed opinion on the subject.With what criteria was the measurement done?How did his consciousness grasp the topic?What language was used for communication?All this determine objectivity.
A person who talks in musical language does not understand the mathematical language.One who speaks the language of physics does not understand the medical language.The language of stars and planets,that of birds and nature all are different for those who know only one language.But for a person who understand all these and finds the interconnectedness of all ,there is a strong Advaitha or oneness.
If S=Y is the hermeneutics of scientific language,the corresponding hermeneutics of spiritual language is Tat Twam Asi.The hermeneutics of the mystical langage is Aham Brahmasmi.But all these are using the same mathematical formula or equations.
This .is the philosophy of mathematics Indians employ in their life.And because of this ,to allot anantham or sahasram names to the nameless zero is not an impossibility.

Ch 4 .Mind and infinity.
Imagine two serpents coiled upon themselves.These two ar e two zeroes (Brahma/prakrithy,Ekam/anekam)and in the figure of 8 pattrn they are the symbol of anantham eternity of existence.*ashtam,ashtadalapadma,octave etc)Hebrews called it alef null from which the symbol alpha (the one we use for meditational brain waves )originated.Westerners call this leminiscate.But they started to see the leminiscate as the symbol of eternity only in the 17th century.(Rudy Rucker.Dept of Mathematics .Randolph Macon women’s college –virginia)The father of eternity theory in modern mathematics is George Canter.He renamed it alef nulland introduced a new symbol.
Only in 16th century did Galileo understand in the western world that there is an eternal time,and discovered calculusCanter discovered three types of eternities.
1.The absolute (paramarthasatha)
2.Physical infinities (Time and the sky or timespace)
3.Infinity grasped by human mind
The last two were together called transfinites by Canter.In a figure of 8 the big bang and the big stop are continuing forever in a cyclical pattern as if in a coiling serpent and what is big stop is a big crunch the next moment.This consciousness within your heartspace(hridaakaasa)of the Brahmaprakrithy is always something transcendental,which you cannot express with ordinary language.The hridaakaasa of the Indian is now known as the mindscape by the western thinkers.
When Joshua Roys say that the mental image of one’s own mind must be infinite ,it is an echo of the mirror image universes of the ancient astronomers which are seen in successive generations of yogis as heartspace(in guruparampara).Our thoughts and views are within our mind ,and are like one mirror in front of another and like that an infinite number of mirrors reflecting the same truth.Here the word jeeva is changed to mind in a guruparampara.
Viswam darpanadrishyamaana nagai(sankaracharya)
Thus the world in our thoughts is the conscious world of ours and when the consciousness of a guru becomes one with the disciple they become one individual and not two. If all my thought processes and researches and books are considered as a single set ,mathematics is the science that study the qualities of my internal world with a set rules.My universe with the definite set rules are within me,and outside me as the cosmos and what is in meis a blueprint of what is outside me.The absolute truth cannot be grasped by the finite mind,but can be grasped by two ways
1.The rational way(vivekam).My commentaries on Prasthanathraya is my attempt to grasp absolute by rational logical scientific methods.
2.The mystical way(experience or Anubhoothy) My musical experiences, and dream experiences,my dhyana experiences and imagery in poetics etc is the result of the second method of knowing the absolute.
According to me the mystical experience through music and dream visions had been of more use for me to grasp or understand what little I have known of the absolute.Sankara also said that swanubhoothy is better than logic.Rudy rucker also says to understand infinity only mystical experiences can be relied upon.Hence the importance of Naadalayayoga or musical transcendental experiences in my consciousness.


Punalurkannan said...

Respected doctor
your thoughts evoked a great interest in me .they are egoistic mind is being diluted.iam ignorent of spiritual world.though born in brahmin family.thank you for opening my eyes.

Dr Suvarna Nalapat said...

Dear Sri Punalurkannan,
I saw your comment only today.Thank you for your nice words.
Dr Suvarna Nalapat